Copper Head Ranch was founded in 2012 by Patricia Finney-Leopold and Curtis R. George.  The ranch’s first horses, made up of ridable mares and geldings, came from combining each partner’s stock.

After one of their mares won a National Best of Breed Championship, both Curtis and Patricia decided to try their hand at breeding. Their first foal, He Who Brings the Rain (“Rainman”), was born in 2014.

Curtis and Patricia founded Copper Head Ranch based on a mutual love for Spanish Mustangs, a breed both fell in love with independently. Their continued love of the breed motivates everything about the ranch, from training to final sales.

If you’re interested in one of these beautiful horses, contact us today to schedule a visit to the ranch.

About Patricia

While attending junior high in Pembroke, Massachusetts, Patti worked on a horse farm in exchange for riding lessons. It’s here that her love of horses and riding began.

She ended up in Texas in 1984, and in 2003 she purchased a plot of land on a farm near Marshall, TX. The farm maintained a herd of Spanish Mustangs, and her experience there rekindled her love for all things equestrian.

Over the next 9 years, she spent time riding, learning, and working with Colonial Spanish Horses. When she moved west of Lake Palestine Copper Head Ranch happened.

About Curtis

Curtis George got into horses in 2001, when he rode for the first time because of a girl. The trail ride was with a farm that did dude rides on Colonial Spanish Mustangs. Curtis found the history of the Mustang intriguing. He went onto work for and live on the farm for 9 years where he met wonderful people associated with the Mustang breed. He traveled across the U.S. showing, promoting and competing on these wonderful little horses. He performed twice at Breyerfest in Kentucky, in New Mexico at the State Horse Fair and competed throughout the southern and eastern United States. Curtis is now partnered in Copper Head Ranch, where his mares are producing fine quality foals from a variety of studs. He trains and starts any foals in house until they are sent out for 30 days of finish. Copper Head Ranch participates in trail rides, Boy Scout events and several benefit trail rides.